Jessica Mendoza and other Women’s Sports Foundation representatives join White House Title IX anniversary roundtable
At 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, the White House will be holding a 37th anniversary of Title IX roundtable featuring Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Education Secretary Duncan, Foundation founder Billie Jean King, former Foundation President Dominique Dawes, current President Jessica Mendoza and CEO Karen Durkin.
The roundtable will address both the current issues surrounding the legislation’s enforcement and the advancements in sport, science and education for which the legislation has allowed. Additionally, it will be streamed live on the Web both at, and as part of an innovative Facebook application that allows users to both watch the live-stream and be part of an online chat about the roundtable simultaneously.
The roundtable will be kept up to date during the event on the comments and questions coming in through the chat, taking place here.
Non-Facebook users can also submit their comments and questions at a special comment form that the White House will be monitoring during the event at the standard live-stream address.
Stay tuned tomorrow for the first Title IX anniversary-specific roundtable the White House has ever hosted. We hope you’ll join us, and please spread the word!
Source: Women’s Sports Foundation