urges you to kick the plastic habit with Gretchen Bleiler
Olympic silver medalist and 4 X-Games halfpipe gold medalist snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler is proud to announce the Earth Day 2011 kick-off of the “21 Day Reusable Challenge,” a 3-week long, eco-minded call-to-action asking individuals around the globe to give up the following items starting Friday, April 22nd.
· single serving disposable plastic water bottles
· plastic grocery bags
· Styrofoam takeaway containers
Gretchen says, “Every single one of us has a unique opportunity to create awareness and influence change, so the 21 Day Reusable Challenge is a chance for people to stop using harmful disposable products, and inspire their friends and families to do the same. Earth Day is a time that is intended to inspire global awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. This challenge, in whatever way possible, is our effort to do the same.”
With the idea that it takes 21 days to build a habit, the challenge encourages people to consciously “create a habit” to benefit our habitat. As the keynote speaker at a collegiate environmental conference during the Fall of 2010, Gretchen wanted to call students to action in a fun and creative way. Out of this desire, the 21 Day Reusable Challenge was born.
Participants who “Like” The 21 Day Reusable Challenge’s Facebook page and document their personal experiences by uploading videos and posting photos, will be entered to win a grand prize package from Gretchen herself, featuring a variety of products from her top sponsors and favorite companies.
In collaborating with a network of eco-minded supporters, Gretchen hopes to spread the message and encourage people everywhere to participate in the challenge, incorporating reusable living in their everyday lives while also raising awareness to the amount of disposable waste we are still exposed to on a daily basis.
After winning a silver medal in the 2006 Winter Olympics for women’s snowboarding halfpipe, Gretchen decided to use her new platform as a chance to speak about an issue that is close to her heart in many ways, climate change. In addition to working with sponsors Oakley and K2 Snowboarding to create signature eco friendly products, Gretchen has also started her own sustainable stainless steel reusable water bottle company, ALEX Bottle.
For more information on the challenge, please visit
You can get updates and follow Gretchen Bleiler on Twitter via @GretchenBleiler. If and when you choose to tweet back, please use #reusablechallenge.