Marie Claire Adds Working Women Section; What Topics Matter |

Marie Claire Adds Working Women Section; What Topics Matter

Career expert Tory Johnson weighs in on what topics Marie Claire should cover in its new supplement dedicated to working women; Sarah Brokaw on how moms can succeed re-entering the workforce

Marie Claire magazine is expanding with a supplement devoted to working women.

The 72-page supplement named Marie Claire@Work will be included in the American edition of the magazine that will launch next month. Joanna Coles, editor-in-chief of Marie Claireand Marie Claire@Work, told The New York Timesthat with an estimated 87 percent of Marie Clairereaders working and falling between the ages of 21 and 34, there’s no doubt there’s an audience for such a publication – particularly when the majority of people sitting at the conference tables of advertising or media agencies these days are women.

“In times of economic uncertainty, that’s when the best innovations happen,” Nancy Berger Cardone, vice president at Marie Claire and Marie Claire@Work, told the Times.

Career expert and founder of Women For Hire, Tory Johnson, told genConnect that Marie Clairewould do a huge service to working women if it included these key topics:

  • How exactly to find your true calling
  • How to turn passion to profit through small biz ownership
  • How to negotiate…not just money but a wide range of benefits
  • How to embrace YOUR definition of success, not anybody else’s

For those mothers looking to re-enter the workforce, many find it’s not easy to leave home and the kids – and they often feel left behind after being home for a number of years.

Sarah Brokaw, a therapist and author of Fortytude, profiled several mothers on “The Today Show” Tuesday on the concerns and insecurities today’s women have in balancing home and work and how many feel that in today’s economy, they need to go back to work to supplement their family’s income. genConnect sat down with Sarah at BlogHer ’11 to discuss achieving milestones at every age.

Pamela Mitchell, founder and CEO of The Reinvention Institute, said moms need to refresh their resume, revamp their looks, identify their most marketable skills, and tap into their network to help boost their employment opportunities. Brokaw said women need to identify three key strengths and keep them in mind when going for interviews and convincing potential employers they can fill a gap in his or her staff. Brokaw also said women should not be afraid to negotiate for salary; far fewer women are willing to negotiate for money, compared to men.

“I think it has a lot to do with women not wanting to take on such a masculine approach when you’re working with your current bosses or going to apply for a job,” Brokaw said. “Women don’t know how to maintain a sense of feminine self, but also assert themselves. I think it’s a very delicate balance for women in today’s work.”

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Posted on: October 24, 2011