My Favorite Green Juice Recipe: Sasha DiGiulian |

My Favorite Green Juice Recipe: Sasha DiGiulian

In 2012, Sasha DiGiulian became the first American woman to clamber up a grade 9a route (one of the highest levels in rock climbing), which explains why The Washington Post dubbed her “arguably the best female rock climber in the world.”

And when you make your living scaling the equivalent of The Chrysler Building, as DiGiulian does, you need serious nutrients to rev up for workouts and refuel after. Which is why she loves juicing.

“My favorite green juice blend ensures I’m getting a healthy dose of fruits and veggies daily,” says the record-shattering athlete, who’s turning 21 (21!) this fall.

DiGiulian likes to sip this juice after a grueling climb, but it’s a great post-workout option for anyone-even if you’re more of a spinner or yogi-and don’t spend your days hanging off mountains Spider-man style. -Jamie McKillop

Rockin’ Restorative Green Juice

4 or 5 kale leaves
1 cup spinach
½ cucumber
½ apple
1 banana
1 tsp agave
Splash of almond milk

Blend and enjoy!

For more on this story, please click here.


Posted on: October 21, 2013