On the Blog: Sports and Why They Matter | stanton-company.com

On the Blog: Sports and Why They Matter

By Dani Baez

With the occurrence of The ESPY Awards this week, we had the opportunity to acknowledge excellence in sports performance and achievements. Thinking about who should be awarded for their sports achievements introduces thoughts about the significance that sports play in society and why they carry such an important role in our lives.

Whether you are an athlete or an athletic supporter, it is guaranteed that your involvement in sports have taught you a lesson or two. Sports do not simply entertain. They teach. From the early years when we played in Little League and soccer teams, sports have a brought us a sense of community – a place where we can be active and work together to achieve a common goal. A sporting event is not simply a game that you mindlessly play as a child. It has structure and carries meaning within that structure. Children might not understand this system, initially, but overtime they will begin to value the rules and respect the idea of playing a fair game. The benefits of being involved in sports range from fostering the development of social skills like teamwork, cooperation, and leadership to teaching personal skills like discipline, work ethic, and coping with disappointment.

Those of us who grow up as athletic supporters respect the game for the same reasons. All of these values that are learned in sports are similarly valued by everyone who doesn’t play them because of their respect for all of the admirable characteristics found in athletes. Sports and the athletes who play them give us something to be passionate about. Whether you are trying to take home the trophy as yours or you are rooting for your school, state or country’s team to take it home for you, a sport can gives you something to fight for. It is important to not only acknowledge the individuals who have become famous for their outstanding athletic ability; but it is also important to appreciate and be aware of the what all sports have done to benefit us as a society and as people. Regardless of whether a sport is your way of life or I simply a pastime, it is inarguable that’s athletics have had an impact each of us and the society that we live in.

Posted on: July 17, 2014