From the Founder, August 2016
I’m back from a magical vacation in Europe and, as usual, am feeling appreciative to live in Venice, in a place where I can spend lots of time outdoors, and a place, that for many, feels like a vacation destination. Recognizing that location is only a part of what makes for a true vacation getaway, I’m eager to bring as many of the positive vacation vibes back into my day-to-day life.
Here are a few vacation-extending tips off the top:
I started and finished The Girls by Emma Kline and continued reading two other books that are both taking me longer than I would like (both are great but they feel more like homework): The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer and The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm. While I’m always reading a ton (mostly online, and I’m scared to think how many of the articles I read come from social media), I’m committing to starting and finishing at least one full book per month.
Honestly, I didn’t sleep much…not nearly enough…on my vacation. I was so excited to be everywhere that I was up early and out and about. That said, I’m more and more aware of how much better I feel with a good night’s sleep. I’m committed to prioritizing sleep and sleeping seven to eight hours every night and already I can feel a difference. (And conveniently, Arianna Huffington’s The Sleep Revolution is up next on the reading list!)
With summer weather in Venice striking a strong resemblance to the weather in the south of France, a) I’m grateful and b) I’m motivated to continue wearing my summer dresses, swim cover-ups and bohemian beachwear. So much amazing stuff in Ibiza, and it inspired me. One of my favorite ways to extend a vacation is by wearing the things I’ve purchased and actively remembering exactly when I bought them and where I was at the moment (and how happy and relaxed I was!)
A Mediterranean diet is my favorite, always. Somehow it seems possible to eat anything and everything and drink rosé for every meal. We’re lucky in Southern California to have lots of fresh, organic ingredients and I try when possible to stick with an organic diet (and green juice daily… by the way, now it seems like green juice is more available in Europe than ever before). We just met the lovely Nikki Sharp, and learned of her 5 Day Detox program; definitely seems like a good way to extend the fresh vacation eating while taking a much-needed break and resetting for the rest of swimsuit season!
Sun and beach is a part of our everyday here in Venice, CA. Sun exposure gets such a bad rap – like with most things, in moderation, sunshine is actually quite good for you. There’s no doubt that a certain amount of sunshine each day is mood lifting and rejuvenating, and, as you can see, healthy in a variety of ways. So, I’m committed to daily time in the sun (in moderation, and with healthy sunscreen as appropriate!)
Quality Time:
Nothing is better for the soul than quality time with friends and family. Why is this so much easier on vacation? While yes, we still had to tell each other to put phones away, being in new and unfamiliar places, and sharing curiosity and adventure, brings us closer together. Why can’t we do more of this in real life?
Hope you’re enjoying summer and taking a much-needed break wherever you are!
xx Amy