From the Founder, October 2016 |

From the Founder, October 2016


Fall is one of the busiest times of the year for us work-wise. We are working on a few amazing events for espnW, LA84 and Equinox, and our PR team is in full force with media tours and events. So much great stuff happening, and sometimes, we need to take a step back to appreciate it and breathe. With so many moving pieces, and with all of us traveling and moving a million miles a minute, it’s easy to cut out the niceties and moments to connect. This is something I am conscious of and want to do a better job of.

It’s also important to take time to give ourselves a much-needed pat on the back, celebrating victories both big and small. The “on to the next” mentality is inevitable to a point, but if we don’t stop to acknowledge the accomplishments and enjoy the process, we won’t get the much-needed satisfaction that makes this all worth it.

So, to start, for the month of October, I am committing to communicating at least one unexpected “thank you” to someone each day. Habits form in 21 days so perhaps this is the start of another ritual that will be built into my life. Please join me in making October a month of gratitude, if you feel so inclined.

And, no matter how crazy the month gets, I’m also committing to making time for myself (self-care) and my loved ones, to make sure my priorities remain in alignment.

Speaking of things that are important… you may have seen on our Facebook (or on mine) that I’m trying to help re-home two beautiful and sweet senior dogs, Foxy and Baby. If you know anyone looking for a loving friend and/or if you’re interested (or willing to foster), PLEASE let me know. These two deserve a shot at a new and better life, and I’m willing to drive them to you wherever you are! No matter what, please send them good thoughts.

Happy October!

xx, Amy


Posted on: September 28, 2016