A Day in the Life of Max Lugavere
We think our clients are the greatest, and we want you to get to know them as well as we do. Our “Day in the Life” series takes a look at the lives of some of these clients, from their kitchen hacks and quirky habits to their latest projects. This month, we invite you to learn all about one of the newest members of our client roster, Max Lugavere.
Q: What time did you get up this morning?
A: 8:30 am. That’s about the average time I wake up, but I am a night owl so if I stay up late working, I have no problem letting myself sleep to 9:30 or 10. Sleep is sacred!
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Six Feet Under
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Greek food, sushi, or a nice grass-fed steak with roasted veggies
Q: Foods you dislike?
A: Foods sautéed in grain or seed oils, foods laden with cheese, fried foods
Q: Favorite place to eat or restaurant?
A: In LA, I love to eat at Erewhon. In NYC, I love a place called Eons Greek which is a fast casual take on Greek and everything is organic/grass-fed.
Q: Favorite dish you like to make yourself?
A: Love to roast chicken legs or some grass-fed ground beef or lamb and make a huge salad or roast veggies.
Q: Are you a morning or night person?
A: I can be both but prefer to stay up late and sleep in.
Q: What do you like to do when you have a day off or to yourself?
A: Wake up late, go outside, get some sun, have a great workout, eat healthy all day, read something new and interesting that inspires a creative thought, hit the sauna, maybe some cryo, then grab dinner with friends at a restaurant that I know uses only super healthy ingredients.
Q: Favorite city to visit?
A: Love Rio de Janeiro, I’m about to head there for my 2nd time. And love pretty much anywhere in Europe.
Q: Favorite book?
A: Gut by Giulia Enders. I also might have a crush on her.
Q: If you could live with only one: Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?
A: Instagram these days!
Q: Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?
A: Only one thing: I’m excited for GENIUS FOODS!