From the Founder, December 2017
Happy December!
Lots of gratitude and reflections during the holiday and generally at the end of the year.
Sometimes I stare at Bernard and think of his inherent wisdom and, in addition to feeling grateful, I feel inspired by the simplicity and ease with which dogs live their lives. Much to learn from them including:
– There’s nothing better than spending time with loved ones. Nothing.
– Try not to take things too seriously…don’t sweat the small stuff.
– No amount of silliness is too much. The unbridled energy and enthusiasm of a dog is unparalleled.
– Age is just a number. Bernard may be 12 years young but still displays his puppy tendencies on a daily basis. Thank goodness.
– Don’t get stuck in the moment. Everything comes and goes and tomorrow will be a new day.
– We must keep an eye out for each other. Even if we’re seeming overprotective sometimes, it’s a sign of love and care.
– Show how you feel. Whether it’s the puppy dog eyes because you’re going on a trip or the galloping joy because of a new toy, sharing your emotions lets someone in.
– Life is short. We need to make the most out of every day.
I could go on and on. Bernard and I wish you and your loved ones the happiest of holidays and a great start to 2018!