A Day in the Life of Olympic Ice Dancer, Madison Chock | stanton-company.com

A Day in the Life of Olympic Ice Dancer, Madison Chock

We think our clients are the greatest, and we want you to get to know them as well as we do. Our Day in the Life series takes a look at the lives of some of these clients, from their kitchen hacks and quirky habits to their latest projects. This month, we invite you to learn all about Olympic Ice Dancer, Madison Chock.

Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Stranger Things!!! And Friends, always Friends.
Q: Favorite dish you like to make yourself?
A: My mom’s homemade pancakes.
Q: Are you a morning or night person?
A: Night
Q: What do you like to do when you have a day off or to yourself?
A: Lately, I’ve been enjoying my Game of Thrones coloring book that Evan got me for Christmas.
Q: Favorite city to visit?
A: Pretty much anywhere in Hawaii.
Q: Favorite book?
A: Die hard Harry Potter fan over here.
Q: If you could live with only one: Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?
A: Instagram
Q: What are you looking most forward to in 2018?
A: Watching the FIFA World Cup!!! And also the Olympics, obviously!

Posted on: December 29, 2017