Day in the Life of S&Co Intern, Erin Oliphant |

Day in the Life of S&Co Intern, Erin Oliphant

Summer is one of our favorite times here at S&Co because you know what the means… summer interns! Our “Day in the Life” series takes a look at the lives of some of our interns and colleagues. This month we invite you to learn all about our first summer intern, Erin Oliphant.

Q: Where do you go to school/what year are you?

A: University of the Pacific, Junior

Q: What are you studying?

A: Sports Management

Q: What is your dream job?

A: I would love to be on the executive leadership team of USA Swimming.

Q: What time did you get up this morning?

A: 5:02 am

Q: What is your favorite TV show?

A: White Collar

Q: What are your favorite foods?

A: Steak, Potatoes, and Ice Cream

Q: Foods you dislike?

A: Olives, Mushrooms, and Fish

Q: Favorite place to eat or restaurant?

A: Flat Top Grill, Thai Me Up, or Ruth’s Chris

Q: Favorite dish you like to make yourself?

A: Mongolian Beef

Q: Are you a morning or night person?

A: Night

Q: What do you like to do when you have a day off or to yourself?

A: It depends on how tired I am, so either binge watch Netflix or explore cool places near me that I haven’t been before.

Q: Favorite city to visit?

A: It’s not a city, but I love the Hawaiian Island, Kauai.

Q: Favorite book?

A: Leave No Doubt by Mike Babcock

Q: If you could live with only one: Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?

A: Twitter

Q: What are you most excited about working for S&Co this summer?

A: I’m excited to learn the inner workings of athletes and public relations. I’ve always been curious about how brand/client partnerships form.

Posted on: May 31, 2018