Day in the Life of Our Summer Interns
Summer is one of our favorite times here at S&Co because you know what the means… summer interns! Our “Day in the Life” series takes a look at the lives of some of our interns and colleagues.  Last month, we heard from Erin Oliphant (who we’ll hear from again shortly), but we’d like to introduce you to our four other amazing summer interns! First is Gabriella Conte, a rising Junior at LMU majoring in Communication Studies and minoring in Public Relations. Eva Davidson is a rising third year at UCLA majoring in Communication. Amanda Duong is a rising Senior at Cal State Fullerton majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Business Marketing. Last, we have Emily Eckstein, a rising senior at the University of Southern California majoring in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and minoring in Business Administration and Spanish. This week we invite you to learn all about our summer interns.
Q: What has been your favorite college class?
GC:Â My favorite classes in college have been Intro to PR and Intercultural Communications
ED: That’s such a tough question! So far, I think my favorite has been Ethical and Policy Issues in Institutions of Mass Communication with Jim Newton, but I also loved Linguistics 1 with Nina Hyams and Sociology 1 with Pat Reilly.
AD: I took a children’s television class my sophomore year. It was fun to watch and study shows I enjoyed as a kid in a room full of other college students.
EE:Â Entrepreneurship Mindset: Taking the Leap.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
GC: My all-time favorite TV show is Friends .
ED: I’m constantly rewatching the Great British Bake Off, but my all-time fave is New Girl.
AD: Big Brother. It’s what I look forward to watching every summer!
EE: Shark Tank.
Q: What is your favorite food?
GC:My favorite food is pasta with my dad’s red sauce and meatballs
ED: I love pasta, avocados, ice cream, the list goes on! And of course my Starbucks Strawberry Acai Refreshers
AD: I can never pass up the Swedish Meatball plate at IKEA. That lingonberry sauce and gravy is so good.
EE: Dark Chocolate
Q: Foods you dislike?
GC: Anchovies, tuna and capers.
ED: I don’t like peanut butter! I also don’t eat meat except chicken.
AD: I’ve always disliked the taste of olives and maraschino cherries.
EE: Olives .
Q: Favorite place to eat or restaurant?
GC: I love to eat at Eataly and C&Os for the amazing garlic knots .
ED: Malibu Farm! The food is amazing and the view can’t be beat.
AD: Lemonade LA, it has THE best truffle mac & cheese.
EE: True Food Kitchen.
Q: Favorite dish you like to make yourself?
GC: Pasta with pesto (can you tell I’m Italian?)
ED: My easy go-to is quinoa with broccoli, carrot, avocado, and some teriyaki sauce. So good!
AD: Pesto pasta. It’s easy, just boil, drain, pour, and stir!
EE: Anything with sweet potatoes!
Q: Are you a morning or night person?
GC: I’m a morning person in the summer when it’s light out early, but usually more of a night person.
ED: Definitely a night person!
AD: I’ve found myself becoming more of a morning person as I get older. I go to bed super early now or else I’m exhausted the next day!
EE: Night person.
Q: What do you like to do when you have a day off or to yourself?
GC:: When I have a day off I love going to brunch or the beach with friends
ED: Always always go to the beach! One of my friends and I made a deal that we were going to go to the beach every week this summer and we have stuck to it!
AD: Stay at home and relax. Nothing like kicking back on the couch with a snack while binge-watching Netflix shows.
EE: Go to the beach/run on the beach.
Q: Favorite city to visit?
GC: My favorite city to visit is New York, especially at Christmas time!
ED: I went to NYC for all of 10 hours a year and a half ago and I really want to go back and see more of it!
AD: Walnut Creek, it’s a city in Northern California with the cutest shopping center.
EE: Madrid, Spain.
Q: If you could live with only one: Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?
GC::Â If I could live with only Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, I would definitely pick Instagram.
ED: I definitely go on Instagram the most, but that’s a habit I’m trying to kick.
AD: Definitely Instagram!
EE:Â Instagram.
Q: Is there anything specific you want to do while you’re in LA?
GC:Â I have lots of things on my LA summer bucket-list including the Griffith Observatory, Disneyland and going to Catalina
ED:Â I’ve been in LA for two years now and there’s still so much I haven’t done! I need to make to LACMA, the Getty, explore more neighborhoods in downtown, and so much more.
AD: Take a picture in front of the Hollywood sign. I always see it from afar but have never been up close to it.
EE:Â Explore more scenic areas or new outdoor exercise spots!
While we heard from Erin last month, we couldn’t leave her out of this month’s newsletter! Erin is a rising Junior at University of the Pacific majoring in Sports and Fitness Administration/Management. She is unfortunately leaving us this month, so we asked her some questions about her overall internship experience (plus some fun facts!).
Q: What was your favorite project you worked on while interning at Stanton & Company?
A: Denege asked me to make a list of female athletes who are predicted to do well in Tokyo and I loved doing that. I also enjoyed drafting press releases and pitches for various clients.
Q: What was the biggest takeaway from your experience at Stanton & Company?
A: My biggest takeaway is that it is okay to ask for help and clarification. In the past, I’ve always been hesitant to ask because I’m scared what it will bother people. Now I know it’s better to ask to make sure the project is done correctly and efficiently than to guess and hope what you’re doing is right.
Q: What are you looking forward to most in your junior year?
A: I’m really looking forward to competing at our conference swim meet this year. The summer going into college, I had two hip surgeries and was out of the pool for a long time. I’m finally feeling like myself again in the water so I look forward to competing and seeing what I can do.
Q: What was your favorite thing to do out of the office this summer?
A: I loved working out at Barry’s Bootcamp in Venice. The workouts were so intense and I loved every minute of it. The best part about Barry’s is that afterwards I can use their rollers and a fuel bar to help me recover in-between workouts.
Q: What is a talent you have that someone wouldn’t know by looking at your social media?
A: I can say my alphabet backwards pretty quick. Also, I drink over 160 ounces of water each day which I would consider a talent considering some people struggle to drink the recommended 64 ounces.
Q:Â If you could only own five items for the rest of your life, what would they be and why? (For the purpose of this list, don’t include basic living items like a bed and clothes)
1) My Hydro Flask- I love water.
2) My Phone- It helps me stay connected with my friends and family across the country and it has Netflix.
3) My Goggles- Swimming without them is horrible.
4) A Car- I love driving and exploring new places.
5) Headphones- Everything is better with music.