When Should You Eat Carbs When Working Out? A Nutritionist Weighs In | stanton-company.com

When Should You Eat Carbs When Working Out? A Nutritionist Weighs In

Originally posted August 15, 2018, Bustle

By: JR Thorpe

Dr. Robert Zembroski explains the optimal times to eat carbohydrates around your workout.

For example, Dr. Zembroski highlights that it is actually beneficial to eat some carbohydrates before a cardio or endurance workout. He explains. “To build lean muscle, fuel yourself with roughly 40-50 grams of carbs (1/4-1/2 cup of steel cut oats) 1-1.5 hours before the workout. By doing so, you have immediate fuel and energy, as you retain your glycogen stores and increase muscle growth and retention.”

To learn more about when to eat carbs, click here.

Posted on: August 21, 2018