Book excerpt: ‘The Feminine Revolution’ |

Book excerpt: ‘The Feminine Revolution’

Originally posted October 3, 2018, espnW

espnW posted an excerpt from our CEO Amy Stanton’s upcoming book The Feminine Revolution: 21 Ways to Ignite the Power of Your Femininity for a Brighter Life and a Better World. 

“As we’ve already seen, throughout history, women have been perceived as irrational. Wild, untamable women are an archetype that goes back to our earliest stories. Often that archetype is explicitly associated with nature. Consider the spirited goddesses of the Earth and the seasons. Homer’s hymn to Demeter is his only poem about a female goddess-and it’s entirely about the time that she overwhelmed the world with an explosion of emotion and in the process created the four seasons. Nature itself is associated with the feminine-we refer to Mother Nature, after all, not Father Nature. So is Fortune-the unknowable whims of the universe-which is always characterized as a lady. (Niccolò Machiavelli said, “Fortune is a woman.” And because she is a woman, she cannot be predicted or controlled. Likewise Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “What inspires respect for woman, and often enough even fear, is her nature.”)”

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Posted on: October 8, 2018