Day in the Life of Maame Biney |

Day in the Life of Maame Biney

We think our clients are the greatest, and we want you to get to know them as well as we do. Our Day in the Life series takes a look at the lives of some of these clients, from their kitchen hacks and quirky habits to their latest projects. This month, we invite you to learn all about Olympic Speed Skater, Maame Biney.

Q: What time did you get up this morning?

A: I got up at 6:30 because I had a 7:30 class…which by the way is NEVER happening again >:(!!!!

Q: What is your favorite TV show?

A: Oh man, I have so many that I can’t list them all. Riverdale, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Supernatural, the whole vampire diaries like series 

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Fries, fried eggs, and a really good burger…also sweets

Q: Foods you dislike?

A: Ummm tomatoes, fish (except for salmon), most veggies, and many more haha

Q: Favorite place to eat or restaurant?

A: Ooooo any Chinese restaurant 


Q: Favorite dish you like to make yourself?

A: Haha eggs!!! (even though that’s not a dish, I really love making eggs)

Q: Are you a morning or night person?

A: I think I’m both, I can stay up late and wake up 4 hrs later and be refreshed…is that normal? (but I don’t like doing it that’s for sure)

Q: What do you like to do when you have a day off or to yourself?

A: To be by myself and watch Netflix 

Q: Favorite city to visit?

A: Austria and Korea for sure!


Q: Favorite book?

A: Oh that’s such a hard question. I love reading just as much as I love watching tv shows/movies. The Mara Dyer Trilogy, The Hush, Hush series. And way too many to list 


Q: If you could live with only one: Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?

A: Instagram for sure. I don’t post often but I don’t use any of the other ones at all. 

Q: Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?

A: This past world cup I was .2 seconds away from my personal best and that’s after 4-5 months of doing absolutely nothing haha. So I’m super excited to where the next year/4 years take me

Posted on: November 21, 2018