PSA: I Found Snacks That Are Both Delicious & Guilt-Free
If you’re like me, you like snacks. Actually, like isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel towards those in-between-meals (a.k.a. bites of heaven). If left to my own devices, I could destroy a bag of just about anything that’s crunchy or cheesy in one sitting. That’s why I’ve been on a search-a search for snacks that I can go HAM on without the snacks going HAM on my waistline.
Whether it’s superfoods, low carb, high protein, crunchy, salty or sweet you’re looking into, this snack list will keep you satisfied…minus the guilt. So go ahead and eat the whole bag…I promise I won’t tell.
World Peas Fava Crisps
This vegan, gluten-free snack is made from nutrient-dense, protein-rich fava beans. Unlike the fava beans you’ve eaten before in a side dish, these are crisped to perfection so you get crunch perfection.
Click here to read more.