Behind the Scenes with S&Co
It’s that time of year where everyone is planning and setting their intentions and goals for the year ahead! While a whole list of resolutions is great, S&Co wanted to share the top goal that we are going to achieve in 2019.
Nicole Callas: My goal is to continue on my Ziva Meditation journey (thanks to our beloved client Emily Fletcher) and stick to it for a full year 2x daily
Kara Froula:Â My goal for 2019 is to commit to my daily meditation practice!
Jessica Hofmann: Last year, my resolution was to go see more live music. I can 100% say that I definitely kept my resolution and it made for a happier year. Therefore, my goal for 2019 is to go to even more live shows and to also expand the type of music I go see. I’ll be ironing my dancing pants because this is going to be a boogying 2019!
Mikaela Hong: Every year I create a fitness goal that forces me to be uncomfortable and push my limits. Last year my goal was to a run a marathon, which I ran in St. Louis where I went to college. This year my goal is to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Check back in 2020 to see if I actually did it!
Maddie Kim: As cliché as it is, I want to get back into my fitness routine. I used to work out almost every day, but I’ve been struggling to make it a priority with my new schedule. I’ve already signed up for a workout studio, so I’m on the right track!
Lauren Nelson: My goal for the new year is to watch less TV and read more
Lauren Newhouse: Run another marathon!
Amy Stanton: To meet my guy 🙂