Veronica Bosgraaf | - Part 12

Veronica Bosgraaf

Entrepreneur / Lifestyle Expert

Born in Detroit, Michigan, Veronica struggled with her body image and healthy eating choices as a teen. Once she became a mom, she grew even more passionate when it came to nutritious food options for her own children. Veronica researched organic food and the advantages of whole, raw foods versus processed foods. When her six-year-old daughter refused to eat animals, Veronica began to research the vegetarian lifestyle as well.

Frustrated with the lack of healthy packaged foods, Veronica launched the Pure Bar concept in her home kitchen with determination and a food processor. She created wholesome bars and brought them to school and family functions. A year later, Veronica partnered with a manufacturer and distributor and is focused on creating more ways for others to live a purer life.

Pure Bar was, and continues to be, very well received. People crave a convenient snack that is organic, gluten free and all-around packed with great nutrients. It has been an amazing journey for Veronica to watch an idea that started with her six-year-old daughter and a food processor evolve nationally into stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joes and Meijer. She will be forever grateful for her daughter’s inspiration that led to the creation of Pure Bar.

Veronica and Pure Bar have seen a significant amount of press coverage through television, radio, newspaper, magazine and internet. These outlets include: ABC 7 News Los Angeles, AM New York, AOL Health, Austin Fit,, Better Nutrition, Candy & Snack, TODAY, CBS’ The Early Show, CNN Headline News, Conde Nast Traveler,, Custom Fit,, Flex News, Food Processing Magazine,, Good Housekeeping, Grand Rapids Press, Grey’s Anatomy,, Marketwire, Natural News,, Natural Products Marketplace, Natural Solutions, O, The Oprah Magazine, QVC, Redbook, Shape,, Yahoo! Shine, The Associated Press, The Chicago Tribune,, Women’s Health, and Yoga Journal.

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Pure Bar: A Review
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