Yoga for Foodies – Can they coexist? |

Yoga for Foodies – Can they coexist?

Yoga and Foodies – can they coexist?

Yoga and foodies, can they coexist? Is it okay for yogis to talk about food? In an excellent article yesterday, The New York Times talks about the explosion of both the foodie and yogi circles — and the opposing of views of foodies and yogis on meat and diet. So what happens when “chocolate and Chakras collide?”

Prominent yogis such as Sharon Gannon and David Life, the founders of the Jivamukti style of yoga, only admit vegans into their prestigious training program. On the flip-side other prominent yogis like Ana Forest and Bryan Kest have admitted eating meat. Even celebrity chef Rick Bayless (who’s been practicing yoga for fifteen years) weighs on on how he is not a vegetarian and loves pork.

With more classes and retreats combining great yoga with great food afterwards, can both foodies and yoga co-exist? What do you think?

Photo credit and full article at The New York Times.

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Posted on: January 27, 2010