The Business of Raw: Interview with Veronica Bosgraaf, founder of the Pure Bar
30 minutes | Download the MP3 | via iTunes
Today on our podcast we’ll speaking with Veronica Bosgraaf. Veronica is the founder of the Pure Bar, a 100% organic raw food bar that’s available in health food stores across America.
Veronica joined us on the WLIR podcast to talk about her company’s early inspiration, some of the challenges shed faced getting started and what advice she has for anyone looking to start their own business.
Topics Covered
- How Pure Bar essentially got started when Veronica’s daughter, who was age 6 at the time, decided to go vegetarian
- The point at which Veronica realized she realized she had a product that would potentially sell
- How Veronica started building Pure Bar without any business or product manufacturing experience
- The lucky break that Veronica caught when a local CEO read about her bar in the paper
- Veronica’s commitment to quality and where she plans to take the business from here
- Veronica’s advice to any person thinking about starting a raw / health related business
The Business of Raw
With all the gloom and doom in the media right now about our economy, we wanted to do a little feature on positive companies, doing positive things and the people behind them.
We’re calling this week “The Business of Raw”. And what we plan on doing is featuring conversations on our podcast with raw food business owners about their business, how they got started and what lessons they’ve learned.
Tomorrow we’ll be featuring a conversation with entrepreneur and blogger Kevin Gianni.
For access to the podcast, please visit