Tech.Get says, “Alex is a stackable and modular dishwasher safe water bottle” |

Tech.Get says, “Alex is a stackable and modular dishwasher safe water bottle”

Seriously, i didn’t think i would be writing about bottles. but it’s hard to give Alex Water Bottle a miss. Alex isn’t your ordinary bottle-next-door. its body can be separated (in the middle) to allow thorough cleaning of the bottle’s interior, ensuring every bit of grimes and bacterias be rid off. yea. that’s right. those who actually clean their bottles would understand how important this feature is.

another highlight of Alex is how its able to customize to your different need. need a bigger bottle? just swap out the bottom for a longer one and you have a bigger bottle. purchase a few Alex in different colors (currently, three colors are available) and you can even mix match Alex’s bodily parts to customize to your mood. white cap, stainless upper body and black lower body with pink band? done. grey cap, white upper body and black lower half with yellow band? done!

a little more about Alex. Alex is generally made of BPA free premium 304 stainless steel and coated with eco-friendly power paint (except for the Naked series – which is naked, of course. now guys, don’t get all too excited…). Alex comes equipped with Clean Seam Technology (CST) for sealing the water in. both caps and CST are of BPA free polypropylene and the strap are made from 100% recycled plastic water bottles.

you know what? life just gets a little brighter with Alex and starting from $25.95 a pop, it doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous to have a piece of Alex. i am totally sold by the idea of breaking Alex up to clean its interior. at this point if you are still confused… Alex is a water bottle not a person. i just thought you should know.

For more on this story, please visit Tech.Get Online.

Posted on: December 10, 2010