Kathryn Budig’s Golden Beet Pasta with Okra | stanton-company.com


Kathryn Budig’s Golden Beet Pasta with Okra

Originally Posted: September 14, 2015

Yahoo! Health: https://www.yahoo.com/health/golden-beet-pasta-with-okra-173551219.html

By, Kathryn Budig

Veggie pasta to the rescue! (All photos: Kathryn Budig)

Over the weekend, I had a full morning with very little fuel. I kicked off the day by teaching a local class for Under Armour, followed by a martial arts conditioning and sparring class that had me resembling a ripe, drenched tomato by the end of class. I ran a few errands and came home to a horrible realization:

I was hangry.

That’s right. I needed food ASAP and forgot to swing by the store. TRAGEDY! I headed into the kitchen with a mission and scavenged up what I could find. A beet. Some okra. Handful of tomatoes. Okay, that’ll do – POOF. A mere 15 minutes later, “pasta” was prepared, and my craziness melted away with each bite. Peace restored. Happy belly!

For the recipe – click through to the original post: https://www.yahoo.com/health/golden-beet-pasta-with-okra-173551219.html

Posted on: September 14, 2015