UA 411: Has Technology Really Improved Our Health?
Originally posted by Under Armour.
Under Armour believes in making all athletes better. That’s why we’ve assembled experts in the four key areas that affect HOW YOU FEEL: Sleep, Fitness, Activity and Nutrition.
Meet the experts, and ask them anything. Twice a month, they will answer your questions with one complete point of view.*
*Not intended as medical advice.
Technology has helped make the subjective parts of our life more measurable. With sleep, it’s always been difficult to be objective because we are unconscious. Even when we’re in that twilight zone, when you don’t even know if you are asleep or awake, we could be in light or deep sleep, or sleeping fitfully somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. But new technologies are making it easier for us to define a good night’s sleep, which will ultimately help us figure out how to get better and more consistent rest.
Learn more about Dr. Schwartz.
Let’s be clear, we are the ones who improve our health. Technology allows us to make smarter decisions about how to improve it, but we still have to put in the work. We’ve been collecting data on our performance for a while. Heart-rate monitors pioneered the relationship between tech and sport 20 years ago, and new devices can measure breathing, steps, sweat and nutrition – but measuring isn’t enough. What technology has done is let us see trends, so we can change our behavior toward improvement. For example, we have learned that the quality of sleep that a pro football player gets on Thursday night is one of the biggest factors of how they will perform on Sunday. But getting that sleep is still up to individual.
Learn more about Paul.
Technology is a double-edged sword. On one hand, we’re wreaking havoc on our health by spending more time hunched over computer, smartphone and television screens. On the other hand, those screens have made health and wellness more accessible and easier to integrate into our busy lives. Classes can be streamed from anywhere in the world with advice from top experts in the industry, and they let us connect with an instant tribe of people who hold us accountable to achieving our goals.
Learn more about Liz.
Today’s technology gives us access to huge banks of data with the swipe of a finger. Two decades ago, if you wanted to track your food, you did so with pen and paper. Then, you’d consult a massive food encyclopedia to tally up calories and macronutrients. Now, with savvy smartphone apps like MyFitnessPal and UA Record, it’s easier and faster for you to track health information. In fact, 88% of people who log meals for seven days are successful in losing weight.
Learn more about Trinh.
What do you want to know? Our experts take questions from our readers to inspire each blog post. Submit your questions @UnderArmour with #UA411 to get the insight on holistic health.
- Dr. Alan Schwartz, MD / Sleep
- Paul Winsper / Fitness
- Liz Arch / Activity
- Trinh Le / Nutrition
Originally posted by Under Armour.